Mobilize: 4-Week Mobility Series
with Matt Borer
Apr 13 - May 4
Mobility is defined as USEFUL range of motion, which is quite a different definition from flexibility and movement. Mobility involves a focus on assessing and improving joint range of motion (ROM), then building strength in that newly acquired ROM utilizing the science of physical and neurological adaptation.
This 4-week class series will be an informative and playful exploration of mobility work, alongside static stretching and dynamic bodyweight calisthenic work. You'll learn self-assessment tools, everyday joint self-care, and to positively affect every movement you make every day.
This series is for everyone, and is adaptable to each individual's needs, whether you are a casual gym goer, a professional chair sitter, or have very sport-specific movement requirements. Come join us to work, play, and learn more about the way you currently move or would like to!
APRIL 13 - MAY 4
10:45 - 11:45am
Max capacity: 12
$124 member
$136 non-member
10% VIP Discount
Matt is a certified Personal Trainer and Mobility Specialist, with decades of experience in yoga, kickboxing, rock climbing, managing fitness centers, and Thai Massage. He specializes in making fitness fun and accessible for everyone and building community. His programming is specifically designed to maximize gym time and get humans moving better in the way our bodies were actually designed to move. Live longer and healthier with less injury!