Free Virtual World Tai Chi Day Class
with Jeff Bowman
Apr 24 - Apr 24
Celebrate World Tai Chi & QiGong Day with a free virtual class with Master Trainer, Jeff Bowman.
This annual event is celebrated in more than 65 countries across six continents. This year, we are hosting a free virtual class on Friday, April 24! Using zoom.us, Tai Chi practitioners and the public perform Tai Chi with the intention of sending a wave of health and healing energy across the globe.
Friday, April 24 at 11am
Free to all, everyone welcome. Online sign-up for the class ends 60-minutes prior to class start time. On the day of the event, an email with the class meeting link will be sent about 15-minutes before class start time.
- strong internet connection with computer video
- mute yourself when joining the class
- set to speaker view, not gallery view
- mat, towel, and water bottle nearby