Member of the Month: David Villalanti

Member of the Month David Villalanti

When you come to Castle Hill Fitness, you’re entering so much more than just a gym. You’re entering a community – a creative, playful, multifaceted, and innovative hub of health and fitness. Our team of over 70 talented professionals is only one aspect of this incredible community. Without our amazing clients, we wouldn’t even be here! Each one of our members brings something wonderful to our Castle walls, and we want to celebrate their unique stories! With our Member of the Month features we will cast a spotlight on a chosen individual, and gain insight on their motivations, passions, and wisdom. 

1. What makes Castle Hill Fitness special for you? 
It’s got to be the staff and what each one of you put into class – the thought that goes into the exercises, giving us pointers, and keeping it fun. 

2. How long have you been a member at Castle Hill Fitness? 
11 years. 

3. What does your regular routine at Castle Hill Fitness look like? 
Monday and Wednesday are Strength Circuit, Tuesday is Power Ride, and Thursday is either Power Ride or Pilates; finishing the week is Cycle+Krank+Row…then a huge lunch. 

4. Do you have a favorite or hardest class that makes you feel proud of yourself for completing? 
I put a lot into each class and feel great afterwards. Recently, in Strength Circuit, I’ve found that I can balance on an upside down Bosu. A few weeks ago, I thought that was a crazy idea and was going to go badly. 

5. Tell us a little about yourself outside of the gym. What are you most passionate about? 
Cooking, eating, fly fishing, traveling, music, and my family. Working out helps me with all of these. 

6. Where did this passion come from? Did you have a mentor or an individual that helped you with your passion? 
I’m a long-time tennis play and instructor, from my juniors through college. I’d say that getting into and staying in shape started then, and while I don’t play as much tennis as I used to, I’ve been able to stay in good shape over the years, thanks to you. 

7. What motivated you to become so active in fitness? 
It goes back to growing up and being involved in sports. Going from tennis and sports to a career, I knew I needed to find a gym that would work with my schedule and have a variety of classes/workouts

8. In your opinion, what is your greatest personal achievement? 
I landed my wife…that’s a big #1. We have three great kids, son-in-law, and now grandchildren showing up. What could be better? 

9. If you could give some words of wisdom to others about staying active, what would you tell them? 
Try new things – classes and workouts – and give it some time to see if they work for you. I didn’t know what to expect about any of the classes I’ve taken over the years, but each one has helped in different ways, like cardio, strength, and Pilates

Want the spotlight on you? Reach out to be a part of our Member of the Month club! 

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