Fitness is fun if you have the right mindset and the right people around you. Do not work out alone all the time!
Fitness is a mind and body connection. It all starts in your mind- DISCIPLINE – that’s the most important component. Keep your mind strong, think positive thoughts when it comes to your body and it will react and you will absolutely start reaching your goals. The body does not react to negative thoughts. It is much smarter than you think. Stop making excuses right now and get to work on your fitness. Be sure to keep a fresh mindset at all times. Stress will literally kill you; figure out the problem and FIX IT! Internal strength, external gentleness are key.
EAT.SLEEP.EXERCISE– these are the three most important medicines, for the mind and body. Eat 6 meals per day-every two-three hours. Eat amazing foods like broccoli, blueberries, spinach, tomatoes etc.. Sleep at least 7-8 hours per night with a 12 oz. of water by your bedside. Break a SWEAT. Exercise at least 4-5 hours per week. This will lead to increased heart rate and perspiration. Woohoo! Excellent choices are sprinting or lifting something heavy. Be careful, exercise has side effects: muscle growth, muscle tone, bone gain and feeling of overall confidence. There should be no excuses; you can lose everything around you: job, relationships, and materialistic things like Gucci sandals, that classy dress you love, your luxury car but you’ll always have your body- so treat it like royalty more than ANYTHING around you. Motivation and Inspiration are key, to your success. Fitness is fun if you have the right mindset and the right people around you. Do not work out alone all the time. Yes, I know, you want to zone out to music/favorite show etc… but you need MOTIVATION. Find a fitness buddy and rock out hard. I bet you will work out harder and get better results. You don’t believe me? DO IT FOR A MONTH and get back to me. Good luck fitness friends and keep your mind sharp. — Amid Archibald,
Personal Trainer 
My husband and I love working out together to motivate each other, and LOVE Amid’s classes! Amid, thank you for always keeping the energy levels high and reminding us to “force it” and that “pain is weakness leaving the body”. You are awesome!
Gucci sandals!!!!!! Amid, you are the Bestest! Thank you for continually motivating, supporting and firming up our booties each week. My life would be very empty without you and my Plyo Ladies. Most of all, thank you for listening thoughtfully and working with me through difficult times of injury and getting me back on track. I feel stronger than ever because of your knowledgeable training, support and encouragement and I am Oh So Happy to be back in class kicking my own bootie with you to guide me! Sweat Rulez! Luv, M Life is way more fun with you in… Read more »
You inspire me! Thank you for all that you do to make me stronger emotionally and physically. you are an amazing friend, trainer and athlete. Proud to be a part of your posse! love and graditude – Amy
Amid! you’re a shining star at the Castle! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate YOUR discipline, energy, talent, and spirit at the Castle.
Amid, what would we do without you? Your humor, vitality, patience, willingness to play Led Zeppelin and most of all, your encouragement keeps us all going during every class. I’ve never, ever, ever taken a class for six years-ever. That means a lot. XO