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“I felt relaxed and calm. It is helpful that Jeff explains how this practice benefitted him. ”

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“I really loved the sound bath and think Audra brought serenity and focus to her practice. Will definitely attend again! ”

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“This workshop helped me feel settled, and physical discomforts were diminished.”

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“Jeff's teaching works at multiple levels. I would recommend him to anyone just starting out or with a lot of experience. ”

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“Jeff designed a perfect 90-minute beginner-friendly class. Kept us moving and challenged. ”

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“I have found that Gillian is always prepared and that her classes and this workshop are well thought out and varied. I hope she continues to offer workshops!”

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“I felt like I had really received a workout! My hips, which usually are very stiff, felt very flexible with no discomfort afterward!”

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“I learned new information in this workshop - which was nice considering I've been doing Tai Chi & Gigong for over 10 years.”

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“Gillian has a really fun approach to Iyengar/Wall Yoga! She brings joy and inspiration to the practice!! ”

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