Yoga Diary – Mysore Recap by Jenny Wicke

I’m not typically a blogger but some of you have asked about my recent trip to India. I probably told you “it was relaxing” or that “mostly I sat on the beach.” More specifically, this journey… Read more.

Member Spotlight! Peter Berner

CH: How Long have you been a member at Castle Hill? PB:  I joined in August of 2003 CH: What is your regular routine at Castle Hill? PB: When in town I tend to go daily…. Read more.

Kettlebell Contenders!

You may have seen one of our trainers, Minna Miller, practicing high volume kettlebell lifting the past two months. She has been training for a competition with kettlebells, known as Kettlebell Sport or Girevoy Sport. The… Read more.

What does a New Year mean to you?

Nothing excites me more than the beginning of a new year. To me, it brings new life, new experiences, and new hope for the future ahead. What does it mean for you? Tell us by commenting… Read more.

Jerry Gerlich on Bicycle Fitting

Hello. I’m Jerry Gerlich and I perform bicycle fittings, threshold tests and cover the majority of the sales chores for Castle Hill Cycles in Austin, Texas. My schedule also involves working with gym clients through our… Read more.

In Memoriam: Paolo Minissi

It is with great sadness that we must deliver news that our leader, owner and general manager, Paolo Minissi, passed away on Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011. Paolo opened the doors of Castle Hill Fitness 9 years… Read more.

Member Spotlight! Kevin Shuvalov

Castle Hill is proud to announce Kevin Shuvalov as itss first Member Spotlight! CH: How long have you been a member at Castle Hill? KS: I joined Castle Hill in 2005. CH: When you are not… Read more.

All About LED Light Therapy

Everyone is talking about what LED Light Therapy can do for you!   What is LED Light Therapy and how does it work? It is the same process as photosynthesis in plants. Exact wavelengths of light emitted… Read more.

It IS in the Timing | The Post-Workout Meal

Are you looking for a way to maximize your results from training and lose body fat?  Interestingly enough, when you eat could be as important as what you eat. One of the most important meals of the… Read more.

Dermaplaning vs Dermafiling

What is the difference between dermaplaning and dermafiling?  Dermaplaning is the leading alternative to microdermabrasion. This is an exfoliating treatment that promotes healthier, younger looking skin since the first treatment. It enhances collagen production and product… Read more.

The Leadville 100 Trail Race Coverage

The Leadville 100 Trail Race ( Departure date: Wednesday, August 17th.  Departure time: High noon. Okay.  We’re not really leaving at high noon.  We’re not galloping off into the sunset like a group of frontier outlaws. … Read more.

Is It Time For You To TRI?

The Austin Livestrong Marathon is over and that means one thing to me, IT’S TRIATHLON SEASON! If you have ever wanted to compete in a triathlon of any distance, this article will help guide you to… Read more.

An Athlete’s Attempt at Being a Yogi

My name is Erin and I don’t stretch. I run, cycle and sometimes I swim. Every thing I do from driving in my car to sitting at my laptop has me going in the same direction…. Read more.

The Benefits of Kinesio Tape

It is best to think of the application of Kinesio Tape as prolonging the effects of soft tissue work done by massage therapists, physical therapists, or chiropractors. The effectiveness of the tape lasts between three and… Read more.