Castle Gets a Customer Service Shout Out

Feedback is one of Castle Hill’s values. Receiving and asking for feedback has become so commonplace in our organization that we sometimes forget that it’s not the norm for most businesses. Enter a recent article from… Read more.

Member Spotlight & Interview! Meet Julio Otazo

Castle Hill Fitness (CHF) Member Spotlight Interview CHF: How long have you been a member at Castle Hill? I have been a member at Castle Hills since the fall of 13.’  I’ve been attending classes +… Read more.

Cycling 101: Posture, by Shannon Burke

As the ride leader for a bike tour outfit that travels all over the country, I’ve had the opportunity to observe just about every riding style there is. And while our focus is more on enjoying… Read more.

Cycling 101: Pedaling, by Shannon Burke

There are many different ways to become a better cyclist, but one of the easiest and most effective ways is to simply focus on pedaling. While everyone understands the importance of pedaling in propelling you forward,… Read more.

Member Spotlight & Interview! Meet John Hays

CHF: How long have you been a member at Castle Hill? Over four years – since December 2009. CHF:   What does your regular routine at Castle Hill look like? Cardio (stationary bike, elliptical, etc.), plus… Read more.

Outdoor Road Bike Rides!

FREE OUTDOOR BIKE RIDES in celebration of Castle Hill Fitness’ Founder’s Day. SUNDAY FEB. 9TH AND FEB. 23rd led by VeloView Bike Tours MEET at FOOD FOR FITNESS CAFE at 8:30AM ride leaves at 9AM Length… Read more.