Healthy Recipes to Power Up Your Day

A HEALTHY START TO YOUR DAY If there’s one thing shelter-in-place has given you, it’s time, even if you’re still working from home. You no longer have to skip breakfast or rely on a quick grab-n-go… Read more.

Your CHF Prop Swap Guide

GET CREATIVE WITH YOUR PROPS Working out at home is the new norm, but your home probably doesn’t look like a fully-equipped gym (or maybe it does?) There could be a number of reasons you might… Read more.

Cosmic Pilates: Aries

In Astrology, the positions and movements of the cosmos and planets hold so much sway in our characters and how we connect with the world. Our individual astrological signs even offer insight into our ideal exercises!… Read more.

Joint-Friendly Exercises with Rachael Bercey

JOINT-FRIENDLY EXERCISES YOUR QUARANTINED BODY NEEDS RIGHT NOW Show of hands who’s body is feeling a little rough these days? 😥 Whether it’s from a more sedentary “shelter in place” lifestyle, or if you’re hitting those… Read more.

Virtual Training and Written Workouts are HERE!

Our Castle Hill Fitness trainers are ready to lead you through virtual training and written workouts, anywhere you are!  VIRTUAL TRAINING SESSIONS Using our trainers are equipped to lead you through a workout from your… Read more.

Live-Streaming Classes Using Zoom!

STREAMING CLASSES START MONDAY, MARCH 23! During our CoVid closure, we are flattening the curve by closing our physical locations but that doesn’t mean we can’t still invade your living rooms. Beginning Monday our instructors will… Read more.

The Power of Positivity

In times of uncertainty it’s easy to let our minds wonder into negative territory.  We start thinking of all the possibilities that lie in the future instead of living in the present.  Uncertainty can bring up… Read more.

Daily Workout: Abs and Arms

Now you can do your favorite Abs and Arms workout in your own home, in just 15 minutes! Get Veera Korjala’s written workout and see her move demonstrations in the video below, and get to shredding! … Read more.

Pandemic Skincare Tips (Plus Face Mask Recipe!)

PANDEMIC SKINCARE We’ve spent a lot of time making sure your body is staying active during our COVID closure, but let’s take a moment and talk about another pretty important organ – your skin.  We’re pretty… Read more.

Daily Workout: Mini Band Workout

YOUR DAILY #SOCIALDISTANCEFITNESS Brought to you by Personal Trainer Tara Penawell, your workout of the day just needs a mini resistance band and your own beautiful body. No access to this prop? You’ll still get an effective… Read more.

Daily Workout: Kettlebell Pilates Circuit

WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER, EVEN IF WE’RE APART HOME WORKOUT: KETTLEBELL PILATES CIRCUIT Today’s daily workout is brought to you by Castle Hill Fitness Pilates instructor, Sara Garonzik. Sara put her years of training with… Read more.


MUSIC ALWAYS HELPS You’re stuck at home, and that means if you want to have a dance party every hour, you can. Except now you’ve listened to your own playlists way too many times already. You don’t… Read more.