Rookie Tri Recap
Yesterday was The Rookie Tri. The 1st race of the Texas Tri Series. A few members including myself (and a few class participants) did the race. Dana Markus-Wolf (my Tri coaching client) won 3rd place in… Read more.
Yesterday was The Rookie Tri. The 1st race of the Texas Tri Series. A few members including myself (and a few class participants) did the race. Dana Markus-Wolf (my Tri coaching client) won 3rd place in… Read more.
Over the past 3 months I have been watching the physical changes in Michael Glavan as he prepared for his role as Spike in Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike at the Zach Theater. He… Read more.
I may not be Oprah…however I thought I’d share a few of “My Favorite Things” with you to get the New Year started off right! So, here they are….in no particular order (drum roll please): NUUN(pronounced… Read more.
A lot has changed since the 1st few months of my participation in the Triathlon. Learning how to race has mostly been from making mistakes along the way. Coaches are fantastic for bringing out your full… Read more.
Shortly after my first Duathlon I started to become obsessed with researching the Triathlon on the Internet. I even set my TiVo to record all cycling and triathlon programs. I began to learn the names of… Read more.
In 2001 to a class full of cycling students, I remember stating: “Triathletes are crazy! I would never do that!” If you are unfamiliar with the sport of Triathlon, it is three parts: 1. Swimming 2…. Read more.
CH: How Long have you been a member at Castle Hill? PB: I joined in August of 2003 CH: What is your regular routine at Castle Hill? PB: When in town I tend to go daily…. Read more.
Castle Hill is proud to announce Kevin Shuvalov as itss first Member Spotlight! CH: How long have you been a member at Castle Hill? KS: I joined Castle Hill in 2005. CH: When you are not… Read more.
My name is Erin and I don’t stretch. I run, cycle and sometimes I swim. Every thing I do from driving in my car to sitting at my laptop has me going in the same direction…. Read more.