Starting this March, and over the course of 6 weekends, Charly Pivert will be leading students in a 100-hour Immersion of the life-affirming philosophy of Anusara Yoga®. As a pre-requisite to the Anusara Yoga teacher training, this course will deepen the understanding and practice of this Yogic philosophy, but what exactly does this entail? What does the Immersion offer that one can’t get from consistently going to yoga classes? Gain a thorough understanding of the importance of this course as Charly explains what to expect before, during, and after completing the Immersion.
What is the Anusara-style of Yoga?
A style of Hatha Yoga, Anusara Yoga signifies a life affirming Tantric philosophy with guiding principles of Alignment in a heart oriented practice.
Who can take the Immersion?
The Immersion is open to students of all styles of Hatha Yoga, and experience-levels from beginners to teachers.
How proficient in yoga do I need to be?
Students are recommended to have at least 6 months of consistent yoga practice before enrolling in this program. We want to ensure that you have an understanding of the basic foundational poses.
What if I don’t want to be a teacher?
That is totally fine! Our Immersion and Teacher Trainings are great for those wanting to dive deep into their own personal practice and the study of yoga.
How much additional homework should I expect during this program?
You will receive reading assignments throughout the program. An empowerment review will need to be completed at the end of each part of the Immersion, that we will then go over together in class.
Why split up the program? What is the difference between the Immersion and the Teacher Training?
In the Immersion, you will learn the methodology of Anusara Yoga and the philosophy that supports it. During this training, we will also explore the different currents of thoughts and philosophy that shape the vision behind this particular style of Yoga. The main focus of the Immersion is to become the embodiment of this knowledge, whereas the main focus of the Teacher Training is to learn how to articulate and teach this knowledge to others.
Will I be certified to teach yoga after the Immersion?
Not yet. The Anusara curriculum and Yoga Alliance requires completion of the 100-hour Immersion and a 100-hour Teacher Training. It is only after completing both programs that you are eligible to register as a 200-hour certified Yoga teacher of Anusara Elements through ASHY and 200-hour RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) by the Yoga Alliance.
What is ASHY?
The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga was formed in 2012 by an international group of Anusara yoga teachers. ASHY became a non-profit corporation in 2017, with over 800 teachers worldwide.
What is the Yoga Alliance?
Yoga Alliance is the organization that creates the nationally recognized standards for yoga teacher training. While it’s not legally required to be a Yoga Alliance teacher, more and more studios are requiring this distinction as a standard. The Anusara Yoga Immersion and Teacher Training are approved programs by Yoga Alliance, and each has received a 5-star rating based on reviews from past training students.
Are we doing 16 hours of asana practice per Immersion weekend?
No, during the Immersion weekend, asana is only one of the many practices we will engage with. Other practices include pranayama, meditation, study of the anatomy of movement, studies of scriptures, and of the therapeutic aspect of the practice. The methods of learning will combine practice, lecture, group discussions, Q & A’s, contemplation, and writing.
I am already an instructor, can the Anusara Immersion be used as Continuing Education credit?
Yes, you can take all or part of the Immersion as continuing education credit hours.
Are there any breaks during the day? What about lunch?
Each day, we will take a morning and afternoon snack break, and a half hour lunch break.
I was not able to attend the entire training, am I able to drop-in to part of it?
Yes, we can work with you on this, but please reach out to Charly directly at charly.pivert@gmail.com.
Are the reading materials purchased separately from the program?
Yes, you can purchase the books below on Amazon.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Bhagavad Gita
Anatomy of Movements by Blandine Calais-Germain
To purchase the Immersion booklet and Teacher Training manual, contact charlypivert@gmail.com.
Ready to begin your journey into the practice of this heart-opening practice of yoga? Charly’s Anusara Yoga® Immersion starts March 24!
With over 20 years of teaching experience, Charly brings a deep understanding of how the physical practice of Yoga can connect to one’s heart and have the power to transform lives. He brings his wisdom and guidance to his weekly Thursday morning Progressive Hatha class at the Downtown location.
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