Beginning December 15th, 2015 we will change our online reservation advance sign up windows from 2 weeks to 48 hours. We do not make changes in policy without thoroughly weighing the outcomes and analyzing how the changes impact our clients. Below is our list of pros and cons with having a 48 hour vs. 2 week advance sign up window. PROS (for 48 hours)
- Schedule flexibility – gone are the days that you will need to know what you are doing two weeks from now in order to insure you get in the class you want.
- Spontaneity – with a shorter advance sign up window you will have a greater chance of gaining access to a class you’d like to try but is generally filled because it won’t be reserved for the next two weeks.
- Save money (for those that schedule 10 classes over two weeks – this one is for you): With a 48 hour window you are going to save money from late cancel fees because you won’t have to keep track of an overbooked schedule.
- Make more friends – when classes are filled two weeks in advance it makes it pretty hard for any new members and friends to join in on a class. You’ll see more friends, more often with shorter sign up windows.
- Better results – OK, this one might be a bit far fetched – but stay with me: if you are committing to a class just two days in advance the chances of you *actually* arriving are a lot higher than if you commit to something two weeks in the future. You will commit and show up for more classes and if the instructor’s are doing it right – you’ll see better results 😉
- Sacred spots – When you secure spots two weeks in advance you can set it and forget it knowing that a sacred spot is now secured for you — (until you forget about it, and then get charged for a no show).
- Future planners – if you are a far-in-the-future planner AND actually follow through with said plans, then having a shorter window is gonna put you on your toes. You will still likely be ahead of everyone else in planning 2 days from now instead of 2 weeks from now.