TRX Training

TRX Training

with Danny Brooks

Nov 2 - Nov 30


TRX is a form of suspension training that leverages gravity and uses body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability simultaneously. Alternate between high and low-impact workouts with modifiable moves. It's an all-in-one workout!
November 2-30 (skipping the week of Thanksgiving)
10:30 - 11:15am
Pricing for 4-week series:
$112 Member
$124 Nonmember
10% VIP discount
About Danny:
Danny earned his personal training certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine in 2016 and committed himself full-time to supporting others’ journeys to health and wellness. He enjoys working with all populations, especially people who are new to strength training or getting back into the swing of things after an absence.