Starting September 20, both Castle Hill Fitness locations will be pick-up sites for CSA boxes from New Leaf Agriculture! New Leaf Agriculture is a farming social enterprise from the Multicultural Refugee Coalition employing refugees at a 20-acre USDA-certified organic farm near Elgin.
As a Certified USDA Organic farm, New Leaf doesn’t use any chemical pesticides or fertilizers, instead employing soil conservation practices like cover cropping, composting, and crop rotation. These practices foster biodiversity to produce nutrient-dense vegetables in a thriving ecosystem.
Sign up for weekly or bi-weekly CSA shares of the upcoming fall season at the button below, and select your CHF location of choice as the delivery destination.
What is a CSA?
‘CSA’ stands for Community Supported Agriculture. These programs are a great way for the local community to support their farmers! CSA shares are paid upfront – this financial commitment provides funding for the New Leaf refugee farmers to prepare beds, buy seeds and transplants, and get the season off to a strong start. Once harvest begins, you’ll then receive weekly shares of the fresh produce you’ve supported.
Fall 2021: September 20-December 12 (12 weeks)
$180 Full, Bi-weekly: 7-9 items, 6 weeks
$300 Individual: 5-7 items, 12 weeks
$360 Full: 7-9 items, 12 weeks
What Can You Expect in Your Share?
For the Fall 2021 season, you will receive products such as:
Amaranth, Arugula, Asian greens, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Cilantro, Cucumbers, Hibiscus, Hon tsa tai, Leeks, Lettuce, Mustard Green, Okra, Radishes, Spinach, Squash, Swiss Chard
Pick-Up Details
After you sign up for a CSA share, you’ll be automatically added to New Leaf Agriculture’s weekly CSA newsletter. Not getting those emails? Be sure to check your Spam or Promotions folder.
CSA deliveries will be made weekly to each of our locations. You will receive a delivery weekly or bi-weekly based upon the plan you’ve selected. Castle Hill Fitness will email you to let you know when they’ve been delivered, after which you’ll be able to pick up your CSA share during the following windows:
Downtown Location: Thursdays, 12-7pm
360 Location: Sundays, 12-3:30pm
Traveling and not available to pick up your shares one week? Don’t worry – there’s flexibility! You can move your share to an alternate week. Email newleafcsa@mrcaustin.org with the dates you’ll need to skip.
You can also choose to donate your share for the week you’re out of town. All donations are brought to the refugee employees at the Multicultural Refugee Coalition Open Arms Studio.
Come in, workout, and pick up your fresh bounty on your way out! When you sign up for a CSA share from New Leaf Agriculture, not only will you get delicious, organic produce delivered to you, you also support the refugee farmers’ livelihoods and the farm’s continued growth.
Sign up for weekly or bi-weekly CSA shares of the upcoming fall season at the button below, and select your CHF location of choice as the delivery destination.