Along with following the CDC’s and state guidelines, we’ve gone to great lengths to provide you with a safer gym environment. In addition to our protocols, we have joined IHRSA’s Active and Safe Commitment initiative to reaffirm our dedication.
In joining this initiative, we pledge to follow industry best practices in the following categories: Physical Distancing, Employee/Member Safety Protocols, Cleaning/Sanitizing/Disinfecting, and Contact Tracing. As research and science evolve, we’ll continue to adapt our methods accordingly. Keep reading to see how we are enforcing our pledge in each category!
Workout Pods: Our Downtown and 360 gyms were reorganized and divided into personal Workout Pods. Each Workout Pod is a single-occupancy partitioned space that includes a variety of equipment, sanitizing supplies, HEPA air purifiers, and physical barrier walls. Pods require a reservation in advance.
Crowd Control: Every guest entering our spaces must have a Pod or service appointment. This effectively controls the number of people in our space and keeps capacity at a minimum. Our in-person classes and series are limited to small groups to ensure proper distancing.
Virtual Services & Programs: The easiest way to keep a distance! Live-stream classes, On Demand library, and virtual Personal Training bring the CHF community right to your home.
Mask Requirements: Every person is required to wear a mask that covers the nose, mouth, and chin. Masks are required to enter the buildings, while moving throughout the gym, while working out, and while receiving services. This is monitored and enforced.
Temperature Screenings: Every person entering is subject to a contactless temperature screening and will be denied entry if their temperature is above 100.4.
Protect the Castle pledge: To help protect our community, all patrons must sign and abide by the guidelines regarding COVID exposure and prevention in the Protect the Castle pledge.
Air Filtration and Circulation: HEPA air purifiers are installed throughout our buildings and run 24/7. These are known to abate allergens, bacteria, and viruses in the air. Each personal workout pod and enclosed space features a purifier that filters 350-1300 square feet of air every 30 minutes. Our fans are on 24/7 to increase circulation.
Sanitizing and Cleaning: Sanitizing and cleaning are done throughout the day and we deep clean with disinfectant foggers. Our Gym Visit Checklist asks that every client sprays down everything that has been used and touched during their workout. All throughout the facilities and in each personal Workout Pod are disinfectant sprays for wiping down equipment and surfaces. We use an EPA-approved hospital-grade accelerated hydrogen peroxide disinfectant – non-toxic, non-smelly, and easy on the environment! The hand sanitizer that comes in every Workout Pod and in our sanitizing stations is a mix of 70% isopropyl alcohol.
We have a dedicated COVID-19 Contact Tracer on staff who was certified via a Johns Hopkins Contact Tracing course. In the event of a positive case at our facilities, our Contact Tracer will work to identify anyone at risk of being exposed and connect with them. By requiring appointments at our facilities, we are able to access the necessary information to achieve contact tracing efficiently.
We have always been committed to protecting and maintaining your health. We’re confident that our collective actions will keep us healthy through any stage of this pandemic. In joining this Initiative, we as a health club loudly declare our unyielding dedication to safety at a time when exercise is vital to global physical and mental health.