Your Gym Visit Journey


It’s a new age of indoor fitness, and we’ve revolutionized the gym workout experience for you! In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented new protocols and guidelines that not only align with state guidelines but go beyond what you’ll find anywhere else. Our common gym spaces and classrooms have been reconstructed into partitioned personal workout spaces that will keep you at a distance from others. With all these new features in place, your gym journey is going to look a bit different.

Take a quick video tour to see how your gym visit journey will look during your next visit! 


Journey Back to the Gym

Each personal workout pod contains a variety of equipment, sanitizing supplies, HEPA air filters, and physical barrier walls. Personal workout pods are available for 30-60 minutes at a time and members receive unlimited number of pod bookings a month. Book your pod ahead of time, or see what’s available when you come into the gym. 

Browse the Pod Maps at each of our locations to make reservations for your Personal Workout Pod! 

Before You Come In…

There are a items to check off your Pre-Workout To Do list before your first visit back. See what you need to Plan Your Return to Castle Hill Fitness at the button below. 

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