How long have you been a member at Castle Hill?
I joined Castle Hill in January of 2006 to get in shape for my wedding. I talked to Celeste over the phone, told her about my goals and interest in
Alexander Technique and dance background and she put me with
Tara Penawell, whose focus on posture and technique suits me perfect. Celeste was incredibly prescient because Tara and I quickly found out we are both HUGE Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans.
What does your regular routine at Castle Hill look like?

Amy working with personal trainer Tara Penawell
Depending on the time and weather, Tara and I do outdoor cardio, usually run-walking, then weight-training. Occasionally I add more cardio on the machines or in
Pease Park after our session.
Have you made changes in your health and fitness lifestyle since you joined Castle Hill? What changes stand out the most?
Yes, Tara has influenced me to track my food when I’m trying to slim down and also helped me train for long distance running by alternating running and walking, and gradually increasing the running portion, so my workouts remain aerobic. We also add Tae Kwon Do to our workouts to keep things fresh.
Do you take any of our classes?
I’ve taken Pilates mat classes and hip hop classes in the past, as well as cardio kickboxing. I’m looking forward to taking more classes now that my kids are both in school.
Do you currently work with a personal trainer?
Tara and I have been working together for nine years!
Who are they and what goals are you working on together?
She helps me with my vanity-based goals and influences me to add health goals as well.
What motivates you to stay on track?
I’m motivated by wanting to stay slim and toned and also have energy to play with my daughters, ages 7 and 4, perform in my Improv Singing Troupe,
That Racket!, perform jazz and pursue acting roles.
What have been your obstacles with fitness?
Anytime my routine gets thrown off, in the past by pregnancy, or occasionally with the holidays or travel, it takes a lot of effort to get back into a practice of healthy eating and regular exercise.
What aspect of your current fitness lifestyle are you most proud of?
Cooking and eating healthily, running and sticking with weight-training for the past nine years. I really see the results of my regular weekly or semi weekly sessions.
Any thoughts you can leave us with?
I got the chance to put my experience as a client to creative use when I was cast in Andrew Bujalski’s new film
RESULTS*, starring Guy Pearce, Cobie Smulders and Kevin Corrigan. The film is a thoughtful romantic comedy about personal trainers. I play a client who cheats on her diet and is busted by her trainer! Needless to say, I was prepared for the role by training with Tara, cheating on my fitness plan occasionally, and being gently coaxed back into better habits by my fabulous trainer. Personal trainers and clients alike will enjoy RESULTS, which was filmed in Austin last summer and is getting fabulous reviews. *
I smell a movie night coming up!! RESULTS sounds like an amazing film! Please let us know when it’s out.
Thank you Amy for sharing your experience in this blog! The movie you are in looks like a riot, I look forward to watching it soon!