Prenatal Yoga creates a community space for new mamas + experienced mamas alike to build camaraderie in their unique, beautiful and challenging experiences. The asana helps women prepare their physical bodies for giving birth by cultivating mind, body and breathe awareness, which are the greatest tools gained from the practice and most beneficial in birth. Prenatal Yoga class reminds women that it’s not just your body now, you are sharing it; this means it’s a time to nurture yourself and be aware of the changes in the body and cultivate the energy to enjoy your pregnancy. Castle Hill yoga instructor Rhonda Green, a.k.a. “Uma’s mama,” explains four benefits of taking specialized prenatal yoga classes during pregnancy:
1. Create Community Feeling connected to others experiencing the same journey is powerful. It’s comforting to know you are not alone. Prenatal yoga classes give you the opportunity to create a community of support, strength and wellness. Mamas share tips and learn from each other as well as realize their feelings and experiences are normal. Often the women you meet in a prenatal class become a huge support network after the baby is born and longtime friends. 2. Develop Prenatal Body Awareness “How should I modify my current physical activity? Should I keep doing the things I was doing or should I stop or make changes?” Whether an athlete, new to yoga, or already have an existing practice, prenatal yoga will increase your body awareness as well as teach you how to modify your movements. Each mama is different. Each pregnancy is different. Classes are designed to explore and experience a mamas changing body in a safe and supportive environment. Mamas are empowered to connect with their innate wisdom by being present, breathing and listening to their mama voice inside that knows what is best. 3. Ease the Discomforts of Pregnancy Take time out of your busy schedule to nurture your body and spirit. Move, stretch and breathe the discomforts of pregnancy away. Feel the rhythm of your body, the energized flow of your circulation, the focus of the breath and a relaxed state of mind. Prenatal yoga can help you feel like yourself again. It’s one of the best things you can do for YOU and your baby. 4. Yoga is Cheaper Then Therapy! Pregnancy is a beautiful and often stressful time. What you eat, drink, daily protein requirements, exercise, organic vs. non-organic and even what you use to clean your house can all become a concern. It can be a lot of pressure when you realize that all the choices you make directly affect your growing baby. Luckily prenatal yoga classes can help. Who better to share your worries and anxieties with then other mamas? They get it!
Join Rhonda Green for a 5-week prenatal yoga series @ Castle Hill Yoga! 10 to 11:15 a.m. Thursdays, Sept 6 – Oct 4
7:30 to 8:45 p.m. Mondays, Sept 10 – Oct 8 Registration information here: http://www.castlehillfitness.com/calendar/681-prenatal-yoga-series
Meet Rhonda Green
Passionate about yoga and the transformative power of motherhood Rhonda specializes in teaching prenatal yoga. Her approach is mindful and emphasizes breath and meditative flow. Rhonda empowers students to connect with their innate wisdom by listening to their mama voice in order to fully experience the journey of pregnancy with confidence. Check out Rhonda’s prenatal yoga video filmed at 41 weeks, three days before the birth of their daughter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UThiJs_Pq-E

Meet Rhonda Green