Supporting a New Charity Every Month
We’ve always considered Castle Hill Fitness to be more than just a gym. We strive to foster a community that celebrates a person’s individual journey towards a higher quality of life. We value the health of our overall community – beyond just our fitness family – as much as each individual’s! To that end, every month, Castle Hill Fitness hosts donation classes in support of a rotating charity.
On the 22nd of every month, our weekly class schedule will feature various live-stream and in-person donation-based classes. This way, you can get your workout on AND support an organization striving for positive change, all in one fell swoop! Since June 2020, we have successfully raised funds to support these chosen charities every month, thanks to YOUR help.
Thank You For Supporting This Running List of Organizations:
FRIENDS OF AUSTIN ANIMAL CENTERAmount Raised: $435 Friends of Austin Animal Center enhances the lives of Austin’s shelter pets and helps remove barriers to adoption. Their mission is to keep pets in homes, help shelter pets find new families, and provide enrichment and care for the pets (and humans!) in the shelters. |
BREAST CANCER RESOURCE CENTERAmount Raised: $160 The Breast Cancer Resource Center. The Breast Cancer Resource Center is a local non-profit celebrating 25 years offering free-of-charge navigation services to those newly diagnosed, in treatment, after treatment, or currently living with breast cancer. BCRC Navigators are trained in local and national resources and will work with you directly to provide practical guidance and help replace fear, anxiety, and doubt with information, options, and hope. Learn more here. BCRC’s mission is to empower those affected by breast cancer with personalized support and compassion. |
OUT YOUTHAmount Raised: $245 This organization promotes the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of sexual and gender minority youth so they can openly and safely explore and affirm their identities. Using value-based programming, OUT Youth creates programming and provides services for Austin-area youth as well as educational services for parents, educators, and caregivers. |
GIVE INDIAAmount Raised: $620 India is experiencing a devastating surge of COVID-19 that has overwhelmed its hospital system. India’s people and hospitals are in dire need of resources and support. All proceeds raised went towards Give India to aid in COVID-19 relief efforts. This organization will direct funds towards medical supplies (like oxygen tanks), food and resources, and vaccine support. |
TEXAS FARMER WINTER STORM RELIEFAmount Raised: $210 The winter storm may have passed, but its impact is still affecting many in our community. Our local farmers and ranchers have seen dire losses and infrastructure damage, and need the community’s help to recover! For our March donation classes, we raised funds for the Texas Farmer Winter Storm Relief organized by Texas Organic Farmers to help our farmers and businesses move forward and rebuild.
AUSTIN AREA URBAN LEAGUEAmount Raised: $540 Working to dismantle racial injustice and supporting our Black community is necessary year-round. In honor of Black History Month, we raised funds for local nonprofit, Austin Area Urban League. This organization works to enable African Americans and other underserved urban residents to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power, and civil rights. During the winter storm, this organization worked tirelessly to help the community by providing food, water, and shelter with the emergency #LoveThyNeighborTX donation drive. |
RAASIN IN THE SUNAmount Raised: $670 Profits from our January donation classes were directed towards Raasin in the Sun. This local nonprofit based in East Austin focuses on urban beautification and creative placemaking initiatives. This group is also responsible for curating the “Be Well Murals Project“, located under the Lamar underpass downtown. This project aims to share positive, uplifting, and/or informative messages for physical and mental health during one of the most challenging times in our history – a cause that has resonated deeply with us. |
TRINITY CENTER AUSTINIn December 2020, we organized a donation drive to benefit those in our community experiencing homelessness. We asked for donations of warm clothing, to bring to our neighbors at Trinity Center Austin. With your help, we raised over 60 articles of clothing! Trinity Center is a faith-based nonprofit organization that conducts programs to serve the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of the poor and homeless in Austin. |
THE SAFE ALLIANCEAmount Raised: $270 Profits from our October donation classes were directed towards The Safe Alliance. This local organization is dedicated to ending violence through prevention, advocacy, and comprehensive services for individuals, families, and communities that have been affected by child abuse, sexual assault and exploitation, and domestic violence. |
NAMIAmount Raised: $815 Profits from our September donation classes were directed towards The National Alliance on Mental Illness – Central Texas. This organization works to provide free mental health education and support to individuals, families, and the Austin community. |
| IMPACT LEBANONAmount Raised: $470 Profits from our August donation classes were directed towards the fundraiser organized by Impact Lebanon supporting disaster relief efforts in Beirut, Lebanon following the devastating explosions on August 4. Impact Lebanon is a non-profit organization that aims to enable the Lebanese community worldwide to pursue initiatives that deliver sustainable impact for Lebanon. They promote the sharing of knowledge, resources, and expertise to make activism accessible and successful. |
| THE OKRA PROJECTAmount Raised: $165 The Okra Project is an organization addressing the global crisis faced by Black Trans People by bringing home cooked, healthy, and culturally specific meals and resources to Black Trans People wherever they can be reached. |
| SIX SQUARE AUSTINAmount Raised: $1,382 Six Square Austin is a local charity preserving and celebrating the historic legacy of the African American community that once thrived in Central East Austin through cultural arts, education, economic development, and historic preservation. |
AUSTIN JUSTICE COALITIONAmount Raised: $1,130 A grassroots, activist-led organization addressing community needs, increasing political involvement, empowering communities, and criminal justice reform at the local level. |